Monday, 29 February 2016

List (P)

Here are the list (P) words of the week.


Two (O) sounds together, causes an (oo) sound but if there's (ook) it makes a ook careful on good.  

Saturday, 27 February 2016

"Helpful Hands"

Today we made colourful cut-out hands to add to the artwork that will be displayed at our upcoming Multicultural Festival.

First, we helped one another trace out our hands and a bit of our forearms -"thanks for giving me a hand!"

 Next, we took our time to decorate our hands to make them unique.  Everyone had such creative ideas!

 When we finished our decorations, we cut out our hands - carefully!

 Finally, we painted.  We used a light coat of paint over our hands.  And, because we used crayons to draw our designs, the paint "resisted" wherever  we had drawn.  It was like "magic"!

Our beautiful finished products!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

A Pink Day Message

Today was Pink shirt day - Everyone was encouraged to wear something pink to show that we are all working together to stop bullying.  It is a day for all of us to stop and think about what we can do EVERYDAY to be kind, caring, and accepting of all others.  
EVERYONE in our class got into the spirit!  

Here are some of our class with their Pink Shirt Messages...

And, here are a couple of messages read by our two student council reps at our assembly today...


Friday, 19 February 2016


Well, the highly anticipated day finally arrived today!  And what a day it was!!!
You can't help but have the "best party ever" when you combine 4 big celebrations into one!  

Here are a few pictures of some of the things that happened...  
We started by reading all our valentines and thanking our friends for the cards! 
Thank you everyone for taking the time to "share your friendship" with one another!

One of our valentines was a fortune teller.

Hmmm...who is this from?

Carefully packing all my cards away.

Next, the activities began!
There was exercising...

...hat making

...picture making

... and bookmark making

Then came the FOOD!  And my goodness, did we have food!!!
We needed 3 tables to put all the food on!

There was jello...

...chips, chips and more chips

...cookies and popcorn and homemade donuts

... MORE cookies and egg tarts

...and coconut buns

...and yorkshire pudding!

And... THE CAKE!!

We ate all day and STILL have treats to enjoy next week!  Thank you everyone for bringing in all these goodies to share!!

And, as one of our little party planners said in her "toast"... cheers to 100 days of hard work and learning!!  (And happy valentines day and happy lunar new year too!)

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Our "BIG" celebration is finally here!

February may be the shortest month of the year, BUT it is also one of the busiest months of our school year!  This February, The Lunar New Year, Valentines Day, our 100th Day of Grade 2 AND  a birthday all landed around the same time!  So, as a class we decided to hold one BIG party to celebrate all these special days!  Well!  That day is finally here - tomorrow, February 19th!

A very active committee, (made up of 6 great little planners) has been organizing this big day for a couple of weeks.  They made a list of things to do, made up a sign-up sheet for food classmates can bring to share, and planned the day (which will include, physical activities, arts and crafts, lots of counting, games, a movie, and of course, FOOD!) 

Today, with a little help from our visitor, Ms. Bake and our teacher Ms. Quon, the six children gave up their gym time to set up the classroom, cover tables, decorate with streamers, prepare activity centres, and blow up A LOT OF BALLOONS!  We are ready for tomorrow!!

The door is decorated with streamers and signs 
Look at what we are celebrating tomorrow! 
A "happy" sign is up and ready to greet the class tomorrow! 
Make your own hat station 
Heart-shape pictures station 
Here is a planner from the committee making a sample to show her classmates what they can do at this activity.

At this station we can make a 100-day bookmark.  A committee member hard at work making a sample to show her friends
No party would be complete without BALLOONS!  Here they are ready to hand out to everyone!!
It is going to be a memorable day for all of us!  

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

A really good book!

Today Negar  came to our class to read a book called Cloud Country. Its about cloudlings graduation .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 Our favourite part is when they are getting ready to graduat from school. We really like this book.  Wish you were there.Bye Bye
ud country.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

VSO - The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra at the Orpheum

Yesterday we went to the VSO. When we got there the lights turned off. they started playing music. we sat down and we heard a song .It made me happy and made me sleep. I fell asleep because it was a good song. The lights turned back on. we felt super happy.

And, here are some of our stories and pictures of the trip.  Enjoy!